Demons in Us

We all have our demons.

Good people or bad people; civilized or barbaric; beauty or beast. We all have something that taunts us and keep us awake at night as we lay in the darkness staring into the black void. Call it guilt; call it remorse or simply mea culpa. We all have something that makes us weak and frail; something we don’t want our friends to know about; something that leads us to take stupid unreasonable actions. We all have things we regret, some more than others. We all have at one time or another fallen from grace. Mistakes made intentionally or unwittingly. Ill-decisions from the best of intentions or from the darkest recesses of our minds. Some of us ignore them and reward ourselves for each tiny little nuance of virtuosity. Some of us create our own delusional reality convinced that we already are angelic and can do no wrong. Some of us rationalize and believe it was all someone else’s fault that we did what we did. Some of us attempt to create more order, perfecting things that don’t need perfecting in an effort to make up for past errors. Others repent through punishment, sending themselves deeper into the pit of remorse.

We all have our demons.

However you may look at it, we are after all simply human. Whether that is a reason or an excuse is entirely up to you. For if you think it right or if you think it wrong; you are right. But as humans we are prone to make mistakes, learn from it and move on. We have a gift that no other creature on Earth has and that is the gift of compassion. We have the ability to forgive. We have the ability to choose if we would free ourselves and the ones around us of the mistakes we make. We have the ability to choose if we would live in the past or work towards the future. And that is a choice we make every single day of our lives.

We all have our demons.

Have you never lied? Have you never hated? Have you never left a friend in need? Have you never lusted for your friend’s girlfriend or boyfriend or spouse? Have you never broken a promise?
Jesus said, “Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.”

We all have our demons.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Thomas Jefferson